Thursday 29 July 2021

South Korea

 Spring flowers of South Korea:

Cicadas - insect called Cryptotympana atrata which dominate in the month of July-August - Its muscial cry which reaches 100 decibels are said to cause cicada mania.

Cicadas hide from the world for nearly 17 years. The females after mating lays their eggs (400 -500 eggs) on tree branches and small twigs. Just not in one place but distribute it in different places. After an incubation period of 6-10 weeks, nymphs hatch and fall on the ground. drill and dig themselves through the hole into the earth. Survives on root sap and spends nearly 17 years of developmental period in the underground burrows. They molt in their shell and come out of the ground. It tears out off the shell and takes a flight to tree top. The live on dew and plant fluids. They mate, lay eggs and dies within few weeks.  

 Cicada song - most of the male cicadas sing by flexing their tymbals (organs in their abdomen). while others make sound by flicking their wings

    Cicada shell                                                               Cicada - camouflaged on the truck of tree                            

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