The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one
of the great feats of exploration in history — an inward voyage of discovery
rather than an outward exploration of the planet or the cosmos; an
international research effort to sequence and map all of the genes - together
known as the genome - of members of our species, Homo sapiens. The
project originally was planned to last 15 years, but rapid technological
advances accelerated the completion date to 2003. The project was coordinated
by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. During
the early years of the HGP, the Wellcome Trust (U.K.) became a major partner;
additional contributions came from Japan, France, Germany, China, and others.
When analysis of the draft human genome
sequence was published by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
on February 15, 2001, the paper estimated only about 30,000 to 40,000
protein-coding genes, much lower than previous estimates of about 100,000. This
lower estimate came as a shock to many scientists because counting genes was
viewed as a way of quantifying genetic complexity. With about 30,000, the human
gene count would be only one-third greater than that of the simple roundworm C.
elegans, which has about 20,000 genes.
Thirteen years of work, thousands of
researchers around the world, $1 billion spent — and finally it was done. On
April 14, 2003, scientists announced that they had completed the Human Genome
Project, compiling a list of the three billion letters of genetic code that
make up what they considered to be a sort of everyperson’s DNA.
- identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA,
- determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA,
- store this information in databases,
- improve tools for data analysis,
- transfer related technologies to the private sector, and
- address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.
"Science is
essentially a cultural activity. It generates pure knowledge about ourselves
and about the universe we live in, knowledge that continually reshapes our
thinking" - John
The way it was done then, like reading out the
letters of the genome, one page at a time and at the end of the day different
pages came from different people. Each page was a stretch of DNA, about 100,000
bases long out of the total three billion bases (the four chemicals that make
up DNA, are adenine (A), which pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C), which
pairs with guanine (G)). To sequence the human genome as accurately as
possible, researchers developed the 'hierarchical shotgun' method. Researchers
essentially broke many copies of the genome into fragments, each around 150,000
letters of code (or base-pairs) long. They inserted the fragments into a
bacterial artificial chromosome that could be grown in E. coli
bacteria which divided, thereby replicating the DNA samples to create a stable
resource - a 'library' of DNA clones. Now, we can sequence a human genome in a
couple of days for well under $10,000, probably around $4,000 or $5,000.
Ethical &
Legal Issues:
There are a lot of issues that come up when talking about the Human Genome
Project and when figuring ways how to use it. Many people of our society are
concerned about how this will affect people around us and if it could cause a
new idea for gene racism. Also there
could be fighting over the use of a particular part of a gene and how it can or
cannot be used.
Medical Benefits: There are many benefits with the
Human Genome Project Disease Intervention exploration into the function of each
human gene will shed light on how faulty genes play a role in disease
causation. Now The Human Genome Project has already fueled the
discovery of more than 1,800 disease genes. With this knowledge we can start developing medicines to
help prevent the defect. Diagnosing and
Predicting Disease and Disease Susceptibility the successes of the HGP have
even enabled researchers to pinpoint errors in genes the smallest units of
heredity that cause or contribute to disease. The ultimate goal is to use this
information to develop new ways to treat, cure, or even prevent the thousands
of diseases that afflict humankind in a matter of days,
rather than the years it took before the genome sequence was in hand. There are
now more than 1,000 genetic tests for human conditions. These tests enable
patients to learn their genetic risks for disease and also help healthcare
professionals diagnose disease. At least 350 biotechnology-based products
resulting from the Human Genome Project are currently in clinical trials.
Having the complete sequence of the human genome is similar to having all the
pages of a manual needed to make the human body. The challenge now is to
determine how to read the contents of these pages and understand how all of
these many, complex parts work together in human health and disease. The
increasing ability to connect DNA variation with non-medical conditions, such
as intelligence and personality traits, will challenge society, making the role
of ethical, legal and social implications research more important than ever.
Genomics is possibly making its biggest
strides in cancer medicine. Doctors can now sequence a patient’s tumor to
identify the best treatments. Specific drug targets may be found for as many as 70 percent of tumors. The dropping price of
DNA sequencing is also changing prenatal care. A pregnant woman now has the
option to eschew amniocenteses or other invasive methods for checking for
chromosome aberrations in her fetus. Instead, she can get a simple blood draw. Before the Human Genome Project,
researchers knew the genetic basis of about 60 disorders. Today, they know the
basis of nearly 5,000 conditions. Prescriptions are also changing because of
genomics. More than 100 different FDA- approved drugs are now packaged with
genomic information that tells doctors to test their patients for genetic
variants linked to efficacy, dosages or risky side-effects.
But the work for human genome scientists
is hardly over. There are still regions of the human genome yet to be
sequenced. Most of these still unyielding regions are in parts of chromosomes
that are full of complex, repetitive sequence. Only a small proportion of the
genome encodes for proteins and there is ongoing debate as to how much of the
remainder is functional or just junk or redundant sequences. And many
scientists agree that the advances in medical genomics are just the tip of the
iceberg— much more work lies ahead to fully harness genomic information to
improve patient health.
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