Sunday 21 April 2013

Earth day

Earth day is observed every year on 22th April. This day is celebrated to demonstrate support for environment protection. John McConnell developed this concept of Earth day at UNSECO conference held at San Francisco in the year 1969. In 1970 this campaign became global and more than 141 countries took part. Earth Day activities are now coordinated by an international NGO Earth Day Network and more than 192 countries and one billion people take part in the campaign. 
Founder of Earth Day: Senator Gaylord Nelson
First Earth Day: April 22, 1970 
Core Issues :  Advocacy ,Climate Change, Conservation & Biodiversity, Education, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Green Economy, Green Schools ,Recycling & Waste Reduction ,Sustainable Development and Water.

Earth Day network focuses on environmental education, local, national and global policies, public environmental campaigns, and organizing local and national earth Day events to promote activism and environmental protection. Earth Day network took multiple global initiatives for building Green economies. In India, Earth Day Network has set up its office at Kolkata to build partners in India to take up Earth Day Network activities in the institutions, civil society and the government. India has signed many international treaties to protect and conserve the environment and its natural resources. It has also made several constitutional amendments to preserve the natural heritage of the country. Therefore India has emerged as one of the major stakeholders in global environmental and climate change issues and concerns. In Jammu and Kashmir Environmental Act, Water Act, Air Act are being implemented. Apex environmental boards of Wildlife protection, Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation are being chaired by Honble Chief Minister of the state. Forest, Environmental, Climate Change and water conservation policies have been issued by the state. Themes of Earth Day in 2011 was, "A billion Acts of Green". In 2012 the theme was, "Mobilize the Earth" and in 2013 the theme is, 'The Face of Climate Change". Earth Day reminds us our responsibility towards mother earth which provides everything for our needs and not for our greed's as said by the father of nation Mahatma Gandhi ji . On this day we should take pledge to protect our natural resources and utilize them on sustainable basis for the prosperity and wellbeing of our future generations. Save Earth Save Life.

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