Saturday 24 December 2011

Amla pickle

Amla (Indian gooseberry). This fruit is a very rich source of vitamin C, minerals and proteins. There are various health benefits of the amla fruit. It contains iron and various other minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, vitamin B complex and carotene and so on. Since it a good antioxidant, it helps in repair of the damage caused to the cells.
Amla (1 Kg) are washed in water and are completely air dried. Then they are fried in 250 ml groundnut oil till we find a slight color change in amla. The amlas are removed from oil and are cooled. In a bowl , chilly powder (200 gms), menthi powder (fenugreek ) a small amount, salt are mixed together and is added to the cooled amla fruits.
In a kadai, tempering is done with mustard seeds, garlic paste, and all other dals, two dry chillies. keep it aside and cool it.  Then is added to the bowl of mixed amlas with lemon juice. The amla pickle is ready.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Importance of Trees

Can you imagine a life without trees?
Really I feel dreadful imagining such situation
Trees the symbol of generosity,hope and growth, gives a holy environment which refreshes our mind. 
Life on this beautiful earth prosper because of trees.
Trees release out oxygen which is vital for our living and decarbonizes the planet to reverse global warming.
They purify air, makes the cities look green and healthy. 
They stabilize soil an prevent soil erosion.
They support wild life, birds and insects.  On the whole they are beneficial to the living beings by providing food (fruits), flowers, fodder, fuel and shelter. 
But people cut down trees without thinking. 
Recently in news, it is said that more than 9000 trees will face the axe for hydropower project in Himachal pradesh. It takes many years to grow a plant into tree and it takes just few minutes to cut it down.  If this practice continues, pollution cannot be regulated or controlled, deforestation decreases rainfall which results in drought and famine, global warming causes floods in low lying areas and thus are creating our own graves by cutting down trees.
Grow a plant and make up a suitable life for future generation.

Mother's Milk

Mothers milk is said to be the amruth of life. An expecting mother should be very caucious and should eat healthy food. Only then after delivery she would secrete ample amount of milk to feed her baby. Nearly for six months a baby just needs only mothers milk and nothing else. 

Mothers can take dry fish, garlic fried in ghee, and all goud family vegetables which induces milk secretion. Mothers can give milk for the baby more than two years, this makes the baby healther and also resistant to minor infections. I assure you that , if the mother takes healthy proteinous food, the milk would contain ample antibodies to fight infections, the baby will not suffer from any diahorrea, fever and common cold. If there is infection also , it will be cured in one or two days. There is no substitute for the nutritive strength of the mothers milk. 

The expecting mothers should eat well, even if she has vomiting conditions and even she feel that she is growing fat, if not the baby will suffer latter. She should not be tensed and worried about the family or any other matters, she should be happy and always smiling because this happy feelings are like signals which induces milk secretion as tensed condition ceases it. so I wish all the mothers good luck and feel the happiness of feeding the baby, which is a gods gift.

Thursday 8 December 2011

News for MPhil and Phd degree holders for the post of lecturers

University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to exempt all candidates who obtained an MPhil degree on or before July 10, 2009 from clearing the National Eligibility Test (NET) to qualify for a lecturer’s job.
The decision, taken at the UGC’s 472nd meeting recently, comes as a huge relief for MPhil degreeholders. The UGC had last year said that for the post of assistant professor it is mandatory to qualify NET.
This regulation had invited strong protests from a cross-section of the academic community and also led to multiple litigations in various high courts, including the Madras high court.
At its meeting, the UGC noted that the UGC Regulations of 2009/2010 “are prospective and not retrospective in nature,” and therefore resolved that “all candidates having MPhil degree on or before July 10, 2009 shall remain exempted from the requirement of NET for the purpose of appointment as lecturer/assistant professor.”
A copy of the minutes of the meeting furnished to a Delhi-based applicant under the Right to Information Act revealed that similar exemption shall be applicable to all candidates who have obtained a PhD degree on or before December 31, 2009. Candidates, who had registered themselves for PhD degree on or before July 10, 2009 and are subsequently awarded PhD degree, shall also enjoy the exemption from NET.
The new exemption might just fill various vacancies in universities across the country that is facing serious faculty crunch.


Success The survival of the fittest, has become the concept of our lives today. The competition in all walks of life, has become a very stressful condition. People face a lot of failure than success. They are forced to go into a depressed state. But positive attitude is the need of the hour. Everything is not in our hands, but success is in our mind. We don't have to improve 100% in any one area. All we need is to improve is 1% in 100 different areas, which is lot easier. 

I read this beautiful verses in an old magazine, which says
Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt-
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar, 
so stick to the flight when you are hardest hit-
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

All one needs is a little edge in the race to success. 
The winning horse in the race wins by a fraction, by a nose , but the rewards are 10 times greater. The same is true in our lives. Successful people are not ten times smarter than the people who fail, just they are fast by edge of the nose. If people understand this simple concept , there won't be any person in a depressed state. But still I understand that missing by the edge of the nose is very difficult to accept , but still a positive thought of planning for the next time race makes us confidence and healthy. Best wishes to all.